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Idaho Falls American Legion Baseball ... 2011

Legends Day

Idaho Falls American Legion Bonneville Post #56 in cooperation with American Legion Baseball, Special Olympics and Outback Steakhouse Present -
In Recognition of the Contributions that School Teachers have made to our Communities and the Future Leaders of America -
Each school teacher recognized will receive free admision to the Legends Day Event, a certificate of appreciation, free ticket to Veterans Night on September 2nd at McDermott Field, and a free ticket for admission to the Idaho State "AA" American Legion Baseball Tournament to be held July 30th thru August 3rd at McDermott Field.
Come and join us for a day of baseball, barbeque and raffles.  All in recognition of the contributions that School Teachers have made to our Communities and the Future Leaders of America.



"When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery"