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Idaho Falls American Legion Baseball ... 2011

Board of Directors

Idaho Falls American Legion Baseball, Inc. is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho. It is governed by a Board of Directors. The goal of the corporation is to promote and to support amateur baseball in Bonneville County so the youth participating in the program can develop their full potential as players and as citizens of the community.

Greg Stultz, President
Vice President (Vacant)
Anne Hill, Secretary
Bob Doolittle, Treasurer
Mike Clements


Cliff Brady, Idaho Falls HS

Kevin Greene, Idaho Falls HS
Derek Ence, Hillcrest HS
Jarrod Clifford, Hillcrest HS
Anne Hill, Skyline HS
Troy Clayton, Bonneville HS

We are always looking for help. If you desire to help on any project or fundraiser, or if you wish to activily participate on the board, please contact us.